AlvegoRoot prides itself on being a champion for playwrights of London Ontario and the Southwestern Ontario region. We have an open submission policy for playwrights. If you work as a playwright or theatre artist in London or Southwestern Ontario you are welcome to send work to artistic director and dramaturg Adam Corrigan-Holowitz. We take special interest in work on local themes.When you submit please include:
Submission info:
Please submit via email.
Adam Corrigan Holowitz
Artistic Director / Dramaturg, AlvegoRoot Theatre
[email protected]
Please note we cannot guarantee what you request, but will do our best to provide your work with creative support.Please indicate if you would like written feedback to your work. It may take a bit of time for a response, but know we will respond to all work. We are excited to have London and area playwrights engage with us and share what they are working on.
- Letter of Intent In your letter please talk about: A) who you are as a playwright, B) What drives and inspires you to make theatre, C) What the main idea or essence of your play is and why you believe it is important. D) What you are looking for AlvegoRoot to provide, be it feedback, dramaturgical support, consideration for a workshop or a production.
- Resume
- Copy of the Play You are welcome to submit either the entire script or a select ten pages. It will take longer for a response to a full play.
Submission info:
Please submit via email.
Adam Corrigan Holowitz
Artistic Director / Dramaturg, AlvegoRoot Theatre
[email protected]
Please note we cannot guarantee what you request, but will do our best to provide your work with creative support.Please indicate if you would like written feedback to your work. It may take a bit of time for a response, but know we will respond to all work. We are excited to have London and area playwrights engage with us and share what they are working on.