This community audio collage gives voice to the words of our late dear friend and ensemble member Greg Mate. During the last 152 days of Greg Mate’s life he posted on Facebook each day something that made his days a happy day. His happy day posts became well-loved by his friends and document these days with beauty and honesty. During these times Greg's posts take on a special resonance and give insight in how to find joy amidst difficulty. Reading Greg's posts are over fifty members of our community.
152 Happy Days contains occasional strong language.
This community audio collage gives voice to the words of our late dear friend and ensemble member Greg Mate. During the last 152 days of Greg Mate’s life he posted on Facebook each day something that made his days a happy day. His happy day posts became well-loved by his friends and document these days with beauty and honesty. During these times Greg's posts take on a special resonance and give insight in how to find joy amidst difficulty. Reading Greg's posts are over fifty members of our community.
152 Happy Days contains occasional strong language.
Gerry Adam, Tom Adam, Susan Agranove, Andrea Avila, Taylor Bogaert, Michael Brown, Tia Brown, Robyn Marie Butt, Polly Campbell, Casey Cornell, Teresa Corrigan, Norah Cuzzocrea, Ian Davies, Brice Davies, Susan Dean, Alison Deplonty, Maridon Duncanson, Elizabeth Durand, Dan Ebbs, Brody Fitzpatrick, Maureen Spencer Golovchenko, Elaine Goving, Stephen Holowitz, Cathy Holowitz, Bill Smart, Brian Joyce, Trish Leanne, Matt Loop, Stephanie MacLeod, Indrani Mahadeo, Heather Mate, Heather May, Chris McAuley, Lynne McIntee, Sookie Mei, Paul Merrifield, Paul Meyers, Lori Milos-Ivanski, Deborah Mitchell, Pedj Monette, Jenny Nauta, Reece Nesbitt, John Pacheco, John Palmer. Kit Smulders. Kydra Ryan, Marina Sheppard, Michael Skinner, Ron Stewart, Jan Stewart, Elycia Thompson, James Tot, Jarrod Williams, Bronwyn Wilson, Ailene Wittstein, Linda Worsley
Text by Greg Mate
Audio Collage Created by Adam Corrigan Holowitz
Music by Stephen Holowitz. Piano: Stephen Holowitz, Trumpet: Paul Stevenson
152 Happy Days takes place between March and August of 2014.
Gerry Adam, Tom Adam, Susan Agranove, Andrea Avila, Taylor Bogaert, Michael Brown, Tia Brown, Robyn Marie Butt, Polly Campbell, Casey Cornell, Teresa Corrigan, Norah Cuzzocrea, Ian Davies, Brice Davies, Susan Dean, Alison Deplonty, Maridon Duncanson, Elizabeth Durand, Dan Ebbs, Brody Fitzpatrick, Maureen Spencer Golovchenko, Elaine Goving, Stephen Holowitz, Cathy Holowitz, Bill Smart, Brian Joyce, Trish Leanne, Matt Loop, Stephanie MacLeod, Indrani Mahadeo, Heather Mate, Heather May, Chris McAuley, Lynne McIntee, Sookie Mei, Paul Merrifield, Paul Meyers, Lori Milos-Ivanski, Deborah Mitchell, Pedj Monette, Jenny Nauta, Reece Nesbitt, John Pacheco, John Palmer. Kit Smulders. Kydra Ryan, Marina Sheppard, Michael Skinner, Ron Stewart, Jan Stewart, Elycia Thompson, James Tot, Jarrod Williams, Bronwyn Wilson, Ailene Wittstein, Linda Worsley
Text by Greg Mate
Audio Collage Created by Adam Corrigan Holowitz
Music by Stephen Holowitz. Piano: Stephen Holowitz, Trumpet: Paul Stevenson
152 Happy Days takes place between March and August of 2014.