CHICKEN FEATHER By Jeff Culbert Directed by Jeff Culbert Company Taylor Bogaert, Stefannie Flannigan, Ben Kennes Designer Sue Parke Stage Manager Vicki Nicholls The effects on the home front before, during and after World War One are examined in this beautiful new play by London playwright Jeff Culbert. When Canadians were called to fight in The Great War in 1914, droves of Londoners rose to the challenge. But some of the men who chose not to enlist were publicly shamed by young women who pinned white feathers on them to show their disapproval. Chicken Feather follows the relationship of a young man who gets pinned and the young woman who pins him. PERFORMANCE TIMES July 7, 13, 14, 19, 20, 27 at 7:30 pm Location: Fanshawe Pioneer Village 1424 Clarke Road Tickets: $15 For tickets call: 519-457-1296 |
AlvegoRoot's 2016 Season was supported by the London Heritage Council through the City of London's Community Heritage Investment Program.